Al-Imam At–Tabariyy’s Explanation of Allah is Most High

Tafsir At–Tabariyy (Volume 4, Page 544): Allah is Al-^Aliyy (the High) meaning, the One Who has “Highness (^Uluww)” and Loftiness (Irtifa^) over His Creation By His Power.
Adh-Dhahabiyy praises Ibn Furak the Ash^ariyy

In Sir ‘A^lam An-Nubala‘ (Vol 17, Page 214-216) Adh-Dhahabiyy says about Ibn Furak: Al-Imam Al-^Allamah, the Pious (Salih), the Shaykh of the Theologians (Mutakallims) ibn Furak. He later explicitly states “(ibn Furak) was an Ash^ariyy”. PDF LINK.