The Wahhabiyy Imam, Muhammad ibn ^AbdilWahhab, wrote a booklet in ^Aqidah which was entitled “The Book of Monotheism (Kitab At-Tawhid)”. In it he presents what he believes everyone needs to believe. The Wahhabiyys consider this a masterpiece and enlist it as one of the first books any person should learn. Within this book it is taught that Prophet ‘Adam, ^alayhis-salam, committed an act of shikr, specifically naming his child “a Devil worshipper”: “Slave/Worshipper (^Abd) of Al-Harith (referring to the Devil)”. Prophet ‘Adam is free from this, as the Prophets are protected from kufr (blasphemy) and shirk (paganism).
In the English Explanation of The Wahhabiyy Leader and Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan it explicitly states “Al-Harith was a name for Satan who accordingly wanted them to give their children the name Abdul-Harith so as to make sure that they have fallen into polytheism”
Below you will see the Arabic from the original text, and the English translation offered by the (so-called) Dar As-Salam, which is a Wahhabiyy publishing house. Also below are scans from Al-Fawzan’s Explanation translated in English.

قيل: «التوحيد لابن عبد الوهاب» (ص122): «باب (49) قول الله تعالى: {فَلَمَّا آتَاهُمَا صَالِحاً جَعَلا لَهُ شُرَكَاءَ فِيمَا آتَاهُمَا فَتَعَالَى اللَّهُ عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ} 1 قال ابن حزم: اتفقوا على تحريم كل اسم معبد لغير الله كعبد عمرو، وعبد الكعبة، وما أشبه ذلك حاشى عبد المطلب. وعن ابن عباس في الآية: “قال لما تغشاها آدم حملت فأتاهما إبليس فقال: إني صاحبكما الذي أخرجتكما من الجنة لتطيعاني 2 أو لأجعلن له قرني أيل، فيخرج من بطنك فيشقه، ولأفعلن ولأفعلن يخوفهما، سمياه عبد الحارث. فأبيا أن يطيعاه فخرج ميتا، ثم حملت فأتاهما فقال مثل قوله، فأبيا أن يطيعاه، فخرج ميتا. ثم حملت فأتاهما فذكر لهما فأدركهما حب الولد فسمياه عبد الحارث، فذلك قوله {جَعَلا لَهُ شُرَكَاءَ فِيمَا آتَاهُمَا} ” رواه ابن أبي حاتم.»
[This was translated to mean:] Ibn Abbas commented upon the above verse of Qur’an as such: When Adam had sexual relation with Eve, she became pregnant. At that time Iblis (Satan) came to them and said, “I am the one who caused your expulsion from Paradise. Obey me, otherwise I shall cause your child to grow two horns like a deer by which he will puncture your belly when he comes out! I will do it! I will do it!.” Satan thus frightened them (Adam and Eve) and said to name the boy Abdul-Harith” (slave of the earth cultivator). They (Adam and Eve) did not obey him (Satan) and a dead child was born to them. When Eve became pregnant a second time, Satan again approached them and repeated the same demand but again they did not obey. And the second child was still born dead. She [Eve] became pregnant a third time, Satan again came to them and put the same demand mentioning what had happened before. Adam and Eve were overcome by love for the child and named the boy “Abdul-Harith (slave of the earth cultivator)”. And this is what Allah said (in the verse): “They made partners with Him for what they were given”. [Reported by Ibn Abi Hatim].
In the English translation the following footnote was added: The above quoted Hadith is said to be weak. Hafiz Ibn Kathir, and Allamah Al-Albani ranked it weak “Da ‘if”‘ (Publisher).