According to Ahlus-Sunnah, the verses of the Quran, the sayings of the Prophet ﷺ and the consensus of the nation are considered proofs. The Prophet ﷺ said in meaning his nation will not gather upon a misguidance. Thereafter, if a statement is found within the books of particular scholars which contradicts the consensus then their statement is not taken, over the judgement confirmed by the consensus. This might occur as a result of a printing mistake, copying mistake or a genuine mistake by the scholar.
Ash-Shaykh Al-^Allamah Al-Faqih Al-Muhaddith Habibullah ibn ^Abdillah Ash-Shinqitiyy, in the book Zadul-Muslim (Page 352): As-Suyutiyy in the Explanation of An-Nuqayah: There is unanimous agreement upon the blasphemy of the mujassimah (anthropomophists). And there is no weight given to the saying of whoever says “the mujassim (anthropomophist) does not blaspheme, rather only if he had said “He is a body like bodies”. Because the belief of Tajsim (anthropomorphism) with regards to Him, the Exalted, necessitates resemblance/likening to some bodies.

^Ala’ud-Din Al-Bukhariyy in the book Muljimatul-Mujassimah said (Page 61): Whoever says Allah is a jism is not a Muslim by consensus.