Al-Imam Abu Hanifah in Al-Fiqh Al-‘Absat:
كان الله تعالى ولا مكان. كان قبل أن يخلق الخلق. كان ولم يكن أين أي مكان ولا خلق ولا شيء، وهو خالق كل شيء.
“Allah was and there was no place. He was before creating the creation. He was and there was no “where”, no creation, and no other thing, and He is the Creator of everything.”

The Imam, from the 3rd Century, Abu Ja^far At–Tahawiyy (B227AH). In his accepted creedal text, documenting the Creed of the Salaf, said: “This is a clear documentation of the Belief of Ahlus-Sunnah…Allah is Exalted (i.e. clear) of limits (hudud)”
Limits (hudud) is the plural of limit (hadd [حد])

Al-Imam At–Tahawiyy also said: “Who describes Allah with a humanly attribute (ma^na) commits blasphemy”

Al-Imam Zaynul-^Abidin, ^Aliyy the son of Al-Husayn (radiyAllahu ^anhuma), in As–Sahifah As-Sajjadiyyah said: You (O Allah) are clear of imperfection/limits, You are Allah, there is no God but You, no place contains You.
Narrated by Al-Hafidh Muhammad Murtada Az-Zabidiyy in (his book) Ithaf As-Sadatil-Muttaqin. [Volume 4, Page 380].

Al-Hafidh Al-Imam Al-Khattabiyy said: Kayfiyyah (Howness) is negated from Allah and His Attributes. [‘A^lam Al-Hadith (Vol1 Page 529)]