La ilaha `il-lAllahu wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamd(u), yuhyi wa yumit(u), wa huwa ^ala kulli shay`in qadeer
(10 times after praying al-fajr and al-maghrib, before standing and speaking)
Abu Dawud, ibn Majah in his sunan and Ahmad in his Musnad and others narrated that Abu ^Ay-yash said that the Prophet ﷺ said what means: The one who says the [the above dhikr] in the morning would have a reward similar to the reward of freeing a slave, and he would get ten hasanat (rewards), and ten sayyi`at (sins) will be erased from him. He will also be raised ten ranks and will be protected from the Shaytan until the evening. If he says it in the evening then he gets the same until the morning.

Allahumma `ajirni mi-nan-nar
(7 times after praying al-fajr and al-maghrib, before speaking)

`A^udhubillahi minash-shaytanir-rajim
(Before reciting Al-Qur`an it is recommended to say the `isti^adhah)

Allahu la `ilaha `il-la huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum, la ta`khudhuhu sinatuw-wa la nawm, lahu ma fis-samawati wa ma fil-`ard, man dhal-ladhi yashfa^u ^indahu `il-la bi`idhnih, ya^lamu ma bayna `aydihim wa ma khalfahum, wa la yuhituna bishay`im-min ^ilmihi `illa bima shaa`, wasi^a kursiyyuhus-samawati wal-`ard, wa la ya`uduhu hifdhuhuma wa huwal-^Aliyyul-^Adhim
In a long hadeeth it was mentioned that a companion met a Shaytan (devil) from the amongst the jinn and asked him, “What protects us from you?” The jinn said “`Ayatul-Kursiyy”. The companion went to the Prophet ﷺ and told him what had happened. The Prophet ﷺ said that “the khabith (evil one) spoke the truth (in this case)”. This was narrated by ibn Hibban and others.
It was related in a Hadith: the one who reads `Ayatul-Kursiyy immediately after every obligatory prayer, nothing prevents him from entering Paradise except death. The Shaykh, may Allah have mercy on him, said: This means that when he dies, his soul is raised to Paradise, and then it is returned to his body.

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-RahimQul huwallahu `ahad (1) `Allahus-Samad (2) Lam yalid wa lam yulad (3) Wa lam yakul-lahu kufuwan `ahad (4)
(3 times)

Qul `a^udhu birabbil-falaq (1) min sharri ma khalaq (2) wa min sharri ghasiqin `idha waqab (3) wa min sharrin-naffathati fil-^uqad (4) wa min sharri hasidin `idha hasad (5)
(3 times)

Qul `a^udhu birabbin-nas (1) Malikin-nas (2) `ilahin-nas (3) min sharril-waswasil-khannas (4) al-ladhi yuwaswisu fi sudurin-nas (5) minal-jinnati wan-nas (6)
(3 times)
^Abdullah ibn Khubayb said that the Prophet ﷺ said what means: Recite “Qul hu-wal-laa-hu `a-had” [Surah Al-Ikhlas] and the “Mu-^aw-wi-dha-tayn” [Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas] three times in the morning and evening, this will protected you from everything. Narrated by Abu Dawud and also At-Tirmidhiyy who said that it was classified as Hasanun Sahih.

Astaghfirullahal-ladhi la `ilaha `illa huwal-Hayyul-Qayyumu wa `atubu `ilayh.

`Inna rabbiallahul-ladhi la `ilaha ‘il-la hu, ^alayhi tawakkaltu wa-huwa rabbul-^arshil-^adhim.
Ma shaa` Allahu kan; wa ma lam yasha` lam yakun. `Ash-hadu `annallaha ^ala kulli shay`in qadir, wa `annallaha qad `ahata bikulli shay`in ^ilma. `A^udhu billahil-ladhi yumsikus-samaa`a `an taqa^a ^alal-`ardi `il-la bi`idhnihi min sharri kulli daaabbatir-rabbi `akhidhum-binasiyatiha, `inna rabbi ^ala siratim-mustaqim.

Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru ma^as-mihi shay`un fil-`ardi wa la fis-samaa`i wa-huwas-sami^ul-^Alim.
^Uthman ibn ^Affaan said that the Prophet ﷺ said what means: whoever amongst you says the [the above dhikr] everyday in the morning and evening three times then nothing will harm him. Narrated by Abu Dawud and also At-Tirmidhiyy who said that it was classified as Hasanun Saheeh.

Raditu billahi rabba, wa bil-`islami dina, wa bi Muhammadin-nabiyya.
(3 times)

Raditu billahi rabba, wa bil-`islami dina, wa bi Muhammadin sallahu ^alayhi wa sallama rasula.

Hasbiyallahu la `ilaha `il-la hu, ^alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul-^arshil-^adhim. (7 times)
The Prophet ﷺ said that if a person says [the above dhikr] 7 times in the morning and also in the evening, Allah will relieve him of his worries amongst the matters of this world and the Hereafter. Narrated by Ibnus-Sunniyy from the route of Abud-Darda`.[This above dhikr is found in Surah At-Tawbah (9), `Ayah 129]

Subhanallahi wa bihamdih, la quwwata `il-la billah, ma shaa` Allahu kana wa ma lam yasha` lam yakun, `a^lamu ‘annallaha ^ala kulli shay`in qadir, wa `annallaha qad `ahata bikulli shay`in ^ilma.

Ya Hayyu ya Qayyum, birahmatika `astaghith, `aslih li sha`ni kullah, wa la takilni `ila nafsi tarfata ^ayn.(3 times)
`Anas Ibn Malik said that the Prophet ﷺ told Lady Fatimah you should follow my advice of saying in the morning and evening [the above du^aa`]. Narrated by Al-Hakim in his Mustadrak. [There is a version which says Ya Hayya Ya Qayyuma]

`A^udhu bikalimatillahit-taaammati min sharri ma khalaq.

Subhanallahi wa bihamdih, la quwwata `il-la billah, ma shaa` Allahu kana wa ma lam yasha` lam yakun, `a^lamu ‘annallaha ^ala kulli shay`in qadir, wa `annallaha qad `ahata bikulli shay`in ^ilma.

Allahumma inni ‘ush-hiduka wa ‘ush-hidu hamalata ^arshik, wa mala‘ikataka wa jami^a khalqika annaka antallah, la ilaha il-la anta wahdaka la sharika lak, wa anna Muhammadan ^abduka wa rasuluk
(4 times)
Muslim ibn Ziyad the servant of Maymunah the wife of the Prophet ﷺ said that he heard `Anas ibn Malik say that the Prophet ﷺ said what means: the one who says [the above dhikr] morning and evening, a quarter of his body would released from hellfire and if he says it four times, then he will be liberated from hellfire for that day. Narrated by Al-Bukhariyy, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhiyy and others.

`A^udhu billahis-Sami^il-^Alimi minash-shaytanir-rajim
(3 times)

Huwallahul-ladhi la `ilaha ‘il-la hu, ^Alimul-ghaybi wash-shahadah, huwar-Rahmanur-Rahim (22) Huwallahul-ladhi la `ilaha `il-la hu, al-Malikul-Quddusus-Salamul-Mu`minul-Muhayminul-^Azizul-Jabbarul-Mutakabbir, subhanallahi ^amma yushrikun (23) Huwallahul-Khaliqul-Bari`ul-Musawwiru lahul-`asmaa`ul-husna, yusabbihu lahu ma fis-samawati wal-`ard, wa-huwal-^Azizul-Hakim (24)
(Recite it morning & evening )
The Prophet ﷺ said the one who says in the morning:`A^udhu billahis-Sami^il-^Alimi minash-shaytanir-rajim three times and then recites the last 3 verses of Surah Al-Hashr, Allah assigns on to him 70,000 angels who pray for him until the evening and if he dies on that day, he dies like a martyr, i.e. he reaches one of the degrees of the shahid. Narrated by At-Tirmidhiyy, Ibnus-Sunniyy and Ahmad from the route of Ma^qil ibn Yasar.

`Amanar-rasulu bima `unzila `ilayhi mir-rabbihi wal-mu`minun, kullun `amana billahi wa-mala`ikatihi wa-kutubihi wa-rusulih; la nufarriqu bayna `ahadim-mir- rusulih, wa qalu sami^na wa `ata^na ghufranaka rabbana wa `ilayka l-masir (285) La yukallifullahu nafsan `illa wus^aha, laha ma kasabat wa-^alayha maktasabat, rabbana la tu`akhidhna `in-nasina `aw `akhta`na, rabbana wala tahmil-^alayna `isran kama hamaltahu ^alal-ladhina min qablina, rabbana wa la tuhammilna ma la taqata lana bih, wa^fu ^anna waghfir lana warhamna, `anta mawlana fansurna ^alal-qawmil-kafirin (286)
(In the evening)
Abu Mas^ud Al-Badriyy said that the Prophet ﷺ said what means: The one who recites the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah at nigh time will be protected. Narrated by Al-Bukhariyy and Muslim.

Allahumma inni `a^udhu bika minal-hammi wal-hazan, wa-`a^udhu bika minal-^ajzi wal-kasal, wa-`a^udhu bika minal-jubni wal-bukhl, wa-`a^udhu bika min ghalabatid-dayni wa-qahrir-rijal
Abu Dawud narrated that the Prophet ﷺ entered the mosque and saw a companion called Abu `Umamah and asked him why he was there outside of the prayer time. He said I have been overtaken by worries and debts. The Prophet ﷺ told him don’t you want me to teach you to say some words such that you will be relieved from your worries and debts. Abu `Umamah said, yes, indeed, O Messenger of Allah. The Prophet ﷺ said say the [above du^a`] every morning and evening. Abu `Umamah said: “I did that and was relieved of my worries and debts”.
The meaning of “Qahrir-rijal” is being humiliated by the people. Some scholars said that among the benefits of this du^a` is that the one who says it regularly acquires courage. Hence, let one say it regularly every morning and evening. (It is also very beneficial against laziness.)

Allahhumma `anta rabbi laa `i-laa-ha il-laa `ant, khalaqtani wa-`ana ^abduk, wa-`ana ^alaa ^ahdika wa-wa^dika mastata^t,`a^udhu bi-ka min sharri ma sana^t, `abuu`u laka bini^matika ^alayy, wa-`abuu`u laka bi-dhambi, faghfirli fa-`innahu la yaghfirudhdhunuba `illa anta.
Al-Bukhariyy in is Sahih and Ahmad in his Musnad narrated from Shaddad Ibn `Aws that the Prophet ﷺ said that the Sayyid of istighfaar is [the above statement]. And if one says this in the evening and then dies, then he would enter paradise or be amongst the people of paradise. And if he says it in the morning and then dies, then he would have the same aforementioned reward of getting paradise.

Rabbana `atina fid-dunya hasanah, wa fil-`akhirati hasanah, wa qina ^adhaban-nar.

Rabbana la tuzigh qulubana ba^da `idh hadaytana wa hab lana mil-ladunka rahmah, `innaka `antal-Wahhab.

Ash-ha-du al-laa `i-laa-ha `il-lAl-laah wahdahuu lashareekalah, wa anna Muhammadan ^abduhuu wa rasuuluh, wa ^an-na ^Eesaa ^abdullaahi wa rasuuluh, wa kalimatuhuu `alqaahaa `ilaa Maryam wa ruuhum-minh, wal-jannata haqq, wan-naara haqq.
Al-Bukhariyy and Muslim narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said the one who testifies that no one is God except Allah, Who is One without partners and that Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam is the slave of Allah and His Messenger and that ^Eesaa (Jesus) is the slave of Allah and His Messenger and was the good news that was given to Maryam, and that ^Eesaa (Jesus) is created from an honourable soul, and Paradise is true and that Hellfire is true, Allah ta^ala admits such a person into paradise even if he was amongst the enormous sinners. Some of the scholars explained this Hadith to mean that the one who says [the above dhikr] Allah will facilitate for him to do the good deeds and this person will enter Paradise without prior torture. [the above dhikr is known as The Special Shahadah (Ash-Shahadah Al-Khaaas–sah)]
May Allah grant all of those who helped in the production of this document a lofty status in Paradise, and protect them from any torture.