A paper or the like on which Qur’an and supplications for protection are written is called ‘hirz’, or ‘hijab’ or ‘taˆwidh’. It is religiously substantiated, and neither kufr (blasphemy) nor shirk (worship of other than Allah). The Religious evidence has priority over all opinions.
Al-Imam At-Tirmidhiyy narrates the hadith[1]:
عن عمرو بن شعيب عن أبيه عن جده أن رسول الله ﷺ قال: إذا فرغ أحدكم في النوم فليقل أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من غضبه وعقابه وشر عباده ومن همزات الشيطان وأن يحضرون فإنها لن تضره. قال: وكان عبد الله بن عمرو يعلمها من بلغ من ولده ومن لم يبلغ منهم كتبها في صك ثم علقها في عنقه
From the route of ˆAmr Ibn Shuˆayb, from his father, from his grandfather: That the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “If one of you wakes up frightened, then let him say, ‘I seek refuge with the perfect Words of Allah, from His Ghadab and His Punishment, the evil of His slaves, from the whispers of the devil, and that the devil would afflict me.” He said: And ˆAbdullah Ibn ˆAmr used to teach it to his pubescent children, and whoever did not reach puberty among his children, he wrote it and hung it on their necks.
At-Tirmidhiyy said, “This hadith is “hasan gharib,” which means the hadith is reliable. “Gharib” means that it was narrated through one route. An ignorant Wahhabiyy might think he is saying that the hadith is strange. May Allah protect you from a deviant who tries to fool you by telling you, “This means the hadith is strange.”

[See: At-Tirmidhiyy. Sunan At-Tirmidhiyy. Volume 5. Page 541 & 542. Hadith Number 3528.]